Literature Review #1


This book review summarizes some of the findings within Annie Jacobson’s “Area 51: An Uncensored History of America's Top Secret Military Base.” It is discussed that Area 51 is where the U.S. government develops surveillance technologies. The review goes into some detail about other experiments occurring at the base involving nuclear weapons and the reverse engineering of foreign aircrafts. Many of the tests done at Area 51 are highly classified, with even high-ranking officials unaware of them. It also touches upon one of the cases which interested the reviewer involving a “Soviet ‘flying saucer.’” (Roche 73) The aircraft was made by captured German engineers in Russia which then proceeded to fly to the United States. Additionally, the aircraft even carried humans who were manipulated to look like aliens by Nazi scientists. The aircraft was later examined and “determined that their underlying design was not stable enough for space travel.” (Roche 74) Based on the book, UFO sightings are mere stories used to cover up the government’s intelligence missions. Roche also briefly discusses coverage on how intelligence officials manipulated UFO watchers’ opinions. One thing Roche is sure about; if such technologies and experiments were being done back then, who knows what goes on now. As he agrees with one of the interviewees in the book, “Area 51 is probably a cover-up for something else.” (Roche 74)


This book review is written by Edward M. Roche, a Director of Scientific Intelligence (which this book discusses) at Barraclough LLC. The author of the book being reviewed by Roche is written by Annie Jacobson, an American investigative journalist, and author. Jacobson often indulges in writing about government secrets involving war and weapons and is best known for writing “Area 51: An Uncensored History of America's Top Secret Military Base.”

Key Terms

Manipulation: the act of influencing the public to believe in something to coverup the reality

Development: the growing and advancement of the United States technology and intelligence


“Instead, the habitual obfuscation, which continues today, was set up so that the U.S. intelligence community could develop surveillance technologies.” (Roche 74)

“The story of UFOS was encouraged by the government as a way to keep speculation away from the intelligence angle [...]” (Roche 74)

“In addition, a wide variety of experiments has been conducted involving nuclear weapons, radar, stealth technologies, and reverse engineering of captured Soviet aircraft. Examples include [...] extensive and possibly illegal underground testing of nuclear weapons [...]” (Roche 74)


One aspect of my research question is discussing why the government is adamant about keeping what is going on in Area 51 secret regardless of whether it is related to UFOs. This book and review discuss another viewpoint of the research that is being conducted at Area 51. It presents a reason as to why the government is secretive. Another aspect of my research question is why and how did Area 51 become the home of UFO conspiracies; why is it so widely believed that this is where UFO research is conducted? This book and review give a perspective that I had not previously thought about. It is possible that the government subtly encourages the UFO conspiracy so that the truth stays covered.


Roche, Edward M., and Annie Jacobsen. Journal of Strategic Security, vol. 4, no. 3, 2011, pp. 73–74. JSTOR, Accessed 13 Feb. 2021. 


  1. Though a book review is theoretically a scholarly source, you really ought to look at the book itself. I have a copy of the book.


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